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Indian Land Area

Calculator and Converter

Land Measurement In India

Whether you are an experienced real estate professional or a first time property buyer, it's important to understand some of the most commonly used land measurement units in India. While you may already know popular units of measure like acres, hectares, square yards (also known as Gaj), there are many other units that are less popular and are only used in certain regions of the country. For instance, units like Bigha, Bigha-Pucca, Biswa, Killa, and Kanal are more commonly used in North India. Similarly, units like Ankanam, Cent, Ground, and Kuncham are commonly used in South India. In East Indian states like West Bengal, Assam, and Tripura, common land measurement units include Chatak, Dhur, Kattha, and Lecha. In the Western Indian states like Rajasthan and Gujarat, units like Bigha, Biswa, and Biswansi are highly popular.

Simple Conversion

In simple conversion the values can be be converted from one unit to another units. fpr eq. 1 Kanal = 20 Marlas. The units are shown based on the state selected.
Simple Conversion

Custom Conversion

In Custom conversion multiple values like 1 Acre 10 Sq Ft. can be converted to various units
Custom Conversion

Rectangular Area Calculation

This type calculation can be used to calculate rectangular Area, where opposite sides are same. For e.g plot size is 20 ft by 30 ft = 600ft.
Rectangular Area

Triangular Area Calculation

This type of calculation can be used when all three sides of triangular land are known. For eg. Side A = 10 meter, Side B = 20 meter, Side C =15 Meter
Triangular Area

Irregular Side Area Calculation

This type of calculation can be used when all four sides of land are different and you want to calculate Area. For eg. Side A = 10 meter, Side B = 20 meter, Side C =15 Meter, Side D = 18 Meter. The Area is calculated using formula provided by India Mathematician BrahmaGupta in 7th Century.
Rectangular Area

Multiple Area Calculation

This type of calculation can be used when you want calculate triangular and 4 sided area and combine them to get combined Area. For e.g. your land is combination of two triangular shaped and one 4 sided area. Then this calculation can be used to calculate and add areas.
Multiple Area Type Calculation